Quality in our experience should mean that we know there is no ‘hidden filth'. By this we mean that the hidden filth of the near or distant social or environmental impacts from products and services can be replaced by a sense of the deep beauty of thinking that is run through with consideration for sustainability, for people and the planet.


Social Security that Gives Confidence

Life unit

The reduction in the employers’ role for a producer’s economic welfare results from increasing the scale of mechanization and automation of production. Thus, in the final cost of goods, the share of a person’s labour cost periodically decreases and the share of energy costs and amortization of fixed assets increases. This process leads to the systematic decrease in demand for human labour, and, therefore, to the decrease of value in the labour that results from the decrease of the employee’s role for the economy of the state as a whole and for each separate production particularly. This situation is a significant social problem because for the absolute majority of people their wages are the major if not the sole source of income.

Every time a person agrees to poorer work conditions and remuneration in order to meet primary life needs regardless of being employed or not leads to the permanent decrease in the quality of life and increase in cost of end products accumulated by the owners of the productive capital (production means).

In the Human and Resource Economic System the question of minimal social security is solved principally: quantity of vital welfare that an average human consumes every month in the course of life in energetic expression is called Life Unit Social Security. It is not the state that should determine the basket of goods in the new system, but the so-called Human Institute – the global network of scientific institutes, departments, specialized institutions and individual professionals, united by common rules and working in accordance with the principle of Open Source or Commons-based peer production, in which the creative energy of a great number of people is directed towards large significant projects without a traditional hierarchical organizational structure that will make it possible to exclude the corruption component.

Life Unit varies depending on age and country. Every person takes monthly support according to the Life Unit standard of a country. Due to the Life Unit system, every person will be able to receive from the state the size of social security that will clearly correspond to the minimum basket of goods calculated by the Human Institute, which will make it possible for every person to choose the activity or job placement freely. The main goal of providing every human with social care in the form of Life Unit Social Security is not so much to guarantee the satisfactory existence of every human, as to provide each member of the society with the deliverance from the fear of tomorrow, which allows class exploitation.

Improving Consumer’s Awareness

Informed consumer

A lot has been said on the harm of marketing and fashion. Obviously, their main destructive feature is the creation of imaginary values for consumers that drive people to throw away furniture that could still be used for many years to come to change cars every two or three years, to buy a new cell phone every couple of months, and so on. And every time we pay money for things that we have already obtained, not always being able to explain even to ourselves the difference from the thing we bought last year. But all the resources of our nature very seldom are returned. It is worth considering that when we buy a particular product, we often pay a significant portion of the price just for the fact that we were purposefully pushed to this purchase.

Full transition to cashless transactions and manufacturers cost transparency will easily show the objective value of the goods and give a possibility to verify its authenticity if necessary. The principle of maximum openness of the manufacturer is a key factor in reaching sustainable consumption. Now, rather than viewing environmental change as a constraint, it can be viewed as an opportunity to redefine what we mean by quality. Quality in our experience should mean that we know there is no “hidden filth”. By this we mean that the hidden filth of the near or distant social or environmental impacts from products and services can be replaced by a sense of the deep beauty of thinking that is run through with consideration for sustainability, for people and the planet.

Equal Opportunities of Access to Capital

Every person - the owner of the company

Providing every human with a certain productive capital is absolutely necessary for ensuring social equality of all social groups with keeping market relations in the society. Broadly speaking, the goal of providing the population with non-interest bearing credits is making each consumer a producer as well. Due to this, solidarity in allocation of the final value of goods will be reached, as every worker will gain income not only in the form of wages, but also in the form of amortization of business assets.

On one hand, this will allow every person to ensure the increase in quantity of his own business assets in the future, and on the other hand, to strengthen the flexibility of business assets in relation to scientific and technological progress in terms of an increase in productivity, and the most important – the effectiveness of these assets. One more reason why every person should be provided with productive capital is to ensure that the level of life is not diminishing while the importance of human labour for the economy is continuously being reduced.