Due to more and more increasing role of information technologies in a human’s modern life, it became principally possible to abolish the very idea of "power". This is expressed in technological possibility for every person to directly participate in the making of different policy decisions.


Abolishing the Dialectic Paradigm of State

Direct electronic democracy

In the course of many centuries, philosophers tried to find the factor that happened to be the most significant, that gives rise to the social dynamic and drives it. It was found that no one factor of social and historical development that is decisive. Most probably, the social dynamic is conditioned by many factors, which sometimes demonstrate their significance and sometimes withdraw into the shadows.

Nowadays, the spiritual and cultural sphere of the society is changing considerably. Information technology is becoming a powerful generator and sharp amplifier of cultural shifts and innovations. Electronic tools allow a human to get necessary information quickly and easily. This is changing the nature of mass culture and the educational system, broadening the mind of each person. Democracy is one of the foundations that can attain declared goals via public elections of individuals who are given power to manage the public authorities. In practice, democracy can often create only an outward appearance that public authorities entirely serve the society. Skillfully managing the public opinion, manipulating society using famous methods of a “crowd psychology”, a person or a small group of people, having means of impact on the masses, can provide any convenient result of elections. This form of democracy is especially characteristic for a state with insufficiently educated and/or a politically inactive population.

Circular flow model of human and resource economic system

Due to the more and more increasing role of information technologies in a human’s modern life, it has become possible in principle to abolish the very idea of “power” because of the technological possibility for every person to directly participate in making different national decisions. In our opinion, this is a natural process of evolution of representative “quasi-democracy” into democracy, which has a more exact meaning. The possibility for humanity to transfer to direct electronic democracy via the Internet using personal communication means is just a matter of time. Based on adduced arguments in the course of open discussion, it will be possible to clearly determine the competence of people in every separate sphere of life and to make national decisions based on competent expressions of popular will.

The names of the authors of the best ideas for state decision-making must be open for everyone. This would make it possible to find, to form and to cultivate the human’s elite so that the cleverest people with best the decision-making skills will govern. The best contributors should be awarded with the Le Premier Award and the best achievements among Le Premier Laureates should be notified by the so-called TESLA or The Earth Supreme Level Award.

An example of the principle for the parliament formation in the Human and Resource Economic System could be its formation through a cell of five people, four of which delegate the fifth to the next governance level, five people elected in such way and delegate one person above and so on. Thus a pyramid of political hierarchy would be formed, where each person elected by four lower-level people can be withdrawn by them at any time.

Government as Provider of Free Financial Capital

State - the only source of debt capital

In connection with the systemic risks of the current market economy and its inefficiency in fair allocation and reallocation of financial resources, one of the ways of more effective redistribution of financial resources is the accumulation of these functions under the exclusive control of the state. Alongside with the abolition of interest rate, transferring functions of credit institutions to the government will make it possible on one hand to ensure capital diffusion necessary to achieve economic equality, and on the other hand to allow for the centralized direction of necessary funds to spheres of economy that are of the highest priority for the people.

Development of informational and computational technologies, which facilitate the automatic processing and analysis of huge data arrays, principles of openness and maximum involvement of ordinary citizens in the process of allocation and reallocation of financial resources will allow to create an objective unified mechanism for evaluating solvency and business project utility excluding subjectivity and “human factor” as well as will provide equal capital access opportunities for all subjects of economic relations.

Paramount Priority – Education

Priority of state policy - education finance

PPeople as well as their spiritual, educational and professional potential are the most valuable resource that has an unlimited reserve of growth and a huge creative impulse. It is the human capital, but not the equipment or productive capital that appears to be the dominant factor for the increase in enterprise’s competitiveness and for the increase in the whole economy’s effectiveness.

The Human and Resource Economic System is intended to help people use all of their health and knowledge potential given by nature in full. The quality of life depends on people’s ability to adapt to a new economic environment: the higher the physical and intellectual abilities or educational level of a human ceteris paribus, the more success will be gained.

Education contributes to personal development and acquiring such features as independence and self-confidence, flexibility and tolerance in relationships with people, open-mindedness, respect of esthetic and cultural values and increase in intellectual requirements. Special attention of the state to matters of education funding and increase in literacy of the population has to play the fundamental role in the transition to new economic principles. Investments into education favour improvement of creativity, formation of optimistic, constructive and at the same time rational ideology, stimulate welfare growth, favour a healthy lifestyle, and, eventually, lead to an increase in labour effectiveness and the acceleration of the paces of scientific and technological progress.